• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maldonadosalinas0106
  • hace 7 años

Responda a las siguientes preguntas con el Had To

Did you have to practice violin all night Yesterday?
Did Your mom have to go the hospital last weekend?

Did Susan and you have to play your friend's ice creams?

Do you go yo the cruch every day?

Did Martha and her husband have to buy some medicine?

Did Henry have to do all exercises at the board?

Did you have to read very much before the exam?

Did the school have to sing up many student's this year?

Did your mother have to get up ay midnight?

Did Zoe have to dance for three hours last night?


Respuesta dada por: Indigo2Blue


*I had to practice violin all night yesterday. (Nota: También puede ser, "Yesterday, I had to practice violin all night." Todo depende de lo que el/la profesor/a requiera.)

*My mom had to go to the hospital last weekend.

*Susan and I had to play my friend's ice creams. (Nota: La pregunta me parece extraña, pero esta es la respuesta correcta a esa pregunta.)

*I have to go to church every day.  (Nota: Si debes responder "con el Had To", como indicabas arriba, sería: "I had to go to church every day."  Procedí a responder esta pregunta en "tiempo presente", ya que ésta fue la única pregunta realizada en "tiempo presente".)

*Martha and her husband had to buy some medicine.

*Henry had to do all exercises at the board.

*I had to read very much before the exam.

*The school had to sign up many student's this year.

*My mother had to get up at midnight.

*Zoe had to dance for three hours last night.

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