• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: migin234
  • hace 9 años

20 oraciones con this,that y those


Respuesta dada por: leonellaritter

20 sentences with this, that and those.

1. This weather is making me crazy.

2. Take that old stuff over there so we can make room for the new stuff.

3. Those kids haven't stop talking since we arrived here.

4. I think this shirt would look great with those shoes.

5. Do you remember that day when we fell asleep watching the stars?

6. I have that song on repeat on my playlist all day.

7. This day does not have enough hours so I can achieve everything I have to do.

8. I loved high school. Those were the best days.

9. This is a very busy day. Maybe we can meet tomorrow.

10. When I finish this report. I'm going to head over to that cool pizza place.

11. That series you recommend me on Netflix were so good.

12. This week I start my fitness routine.

13. I love going to the beach and that does not happen often.

14. I'm sorry I can't afford a Ferrari but that doesn't mean I can't take you there.

15. I love those shoes. I need to borrow them some day.

16. I'm tired of those friends that are fake.

17. In this moment I swear I feel like we are invincible.

18. Ask me a question and I will answer you with that same question.

19. This essay is so long I think I will fall asleep before I finish it.

20. I hate being broke. I want to buy all that fancy makeup.

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