• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: minecraftpcgames01
  • hace 7 años

Dialogo en presente o pasado perfecto, usando Be, Go, Stay, Call, Visit, Buy, Do y : Just, Since, Already, Yet, For.


Respuesta dada por: rociovbroggi

Q: Hi, what are you doing?

A: Hi! I'm just staying at home watching tv and you?

Q: Great! I'm going to buy a cake for my grandfather because today it's his birthday!

A: That's cool! Im going to call him to say happy birthday.

Q: Thanks! I already called him, i remember this time!

A: LOL. I haven't seen your grandfather since i'm 15.

Q: I know. You have to visit him some day.

A: Does he remember me yet?

Q: Of course!

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