coronavirus is a pandemic that has made a lof de people sick. it is very dangerous and we must be careful.
*coronavirus is a pandemic that has made a lof de people sick. it is very dangerous and we must be careful.
*when you have coronavirus you are very contagieus and you can easily transmit it to other people. the symptoms the coronavirus are a fever and cough.
cuando tienes coronavirus eres muy contagioso y puedes transmitirlo fácilmente a otras personas. Los síntomas del coronavirus son fiebre y tos.
the treatment of coronavirus is not easy
el tratamiento del coronavirus no es fácil
you must stay in quarantine so that you do not give the virus yo anyone else.
debe permanecer en cuarentena para no transmitir el virus a nadie más.
many shops and schools are closed-this is calle
muchas tiendas y escuelas están cerradas, esta es la calle