• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: cuellofutbol
  • hace 7 años

3. Answer the questions using the grammar exposed.
a) What are your plans for tomorrow? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b) Where do you see yourself in 4 years, explain. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
c) How do you think your country will change in the future? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
d) Do you think the doctor will clone people in the future? Why? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Respuesta dada por: caramelitodemiel123

Respuesta:going to

A.I'm going to clean an tidy my room. Later,

I'm preparing my tofu to eat. Finally, I'm going to do my Math Homework and playing video games.

b. I'm really confused. At the moment, I'm not sure, but I like to think that I'm going to be a good doctor and saving lifes people.

c. It going to be more big than now, more crowded than yesterday and moreover it going to be more modern or grey. I like to think about the future, sometimes I imagine cars flying or robots in the street.

D.Yes, why not? The world of science is constantly advancing. It would be something emotionally and different experience.

Explicación: El verbo going to va después de la persona y luegos so verbo to be. Se usa para planes a futuro o previstos no tan seguros. Ademas se puede abreviar agregando -ing a los verbos, puedes dejarlo así o si aun lo viste poner el going to como se debería.

would be = sería. Omitelo si aún no lo viste.

Espero te sirva, saludos y suerte con la tarea.

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