Possessive Pronouns (examples, explanations, solutions, videos)Ejercicio 1
Realiza en tu cuaderno un cuento con los siguientes personajes: (EN INGLÉS)
The astronaut
The tiger
The pirate
The casttle
The rocket
The jungle
The wizard
The street
The witch
The lake
el cuento debe incluir los posesivos adjetivos y pronombres que hemos visto
Plazo Máximo: 3 de Abril 5 de la tarde AYUDAAAAAAAA
Respuesta dada por:
once an astronaut traveled to the moon in a rocket, along with his pet the white tiger in search of the space pirates (of the moon) but the astronaut was urged to take a bath then he returned to his house that was a castle in the middle of the jungle Then he walked to a street and found a magician along with his wife the witch (literally she was a witch) and what to a lake and there were the space pirates (they were her cousins) they all had fun and were happy ...
haaaa ... the magician divorced the witch for being such a witch and because badabun separated them.
;) espero q te sirva
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