• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: madelinguatemaltecaz
  • hace 7 años

oraciones con past perfect pliss quiero 10


Respuesta dada por: juankbiker


1. I had not been shopping when you called me.

2. They had studied English before they went to London.

3. The children hadn’t done their homework, so they were in problems.

4. Had Paul worked as an engineer for long before he changed careers?

5. She said that she had been working as a teacher for over 20 years.

6. I had saved my document before the computer died.

7. They had been living in that apartment before they sold the house at the country.

8. He hadn’t studied for the test, so he was very nervous.

9. We had not been traveling long before we had our first problem.

10. Ronnie and Stefanie hadn’t met before the party.


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