• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Florenciabg200017
  • hace 7 años

ayuda es la última parte del trabajo y lo tengo que entregar mañana porfiii ayudaa​



Respuesta dada por: everygoodideaistaken




1) When did you come home?

2) Mark was talking on his mobile when he saw Eve.

3) Were they listening to your presentation or thinking about lunch?

4) I didn't work a lot on this project. Jessica did most of the work.

5) Brazil were playing well, but they lost their first match.

6) Was he waiting for you in the airport when you arrived in Neuguen?


Yesterday we were walking along the river when my brother, Sid, saw a black bag in the water he took off his clothes and jumped into the river to get the bag. I didn't want him to do it, but he wasn't scared. He tried to catch the bag under water, so he didn't hear the police car. Three police officers got out of the car. Sid saw them when they ran towards him and he stopped moving. Two officers caught Sid, and the third took the bag. We didn't understand what was happening. At the police station we found out that the police were waiting for criminals to pick up the bag. There were two million pounds inside!

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