• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: villamargutier62
  • hace 7 años

Activity 2.Write fill in the blacks with the correct present simple form.

1. In Bogota, people sometimes (rides) their bikes on the motorway.

2. Residents - (like) to relax by the stream.

3. Architects (not design) skyscrapers for rural areas.

4. A new bridge (cross) the motorway.

5. People ( need) green spaces in capital cities.

6. Sometimes architects (plan) buildings with parks on the roof.

7. In urban areas, people (not enjoy) crowded pavements.

8. My village (have) a water tower.

9. A major motorway (connect) two big cities.

10. The stream (not go) through the city.

Ayuda,con ingles es completar con el present simple de entre los parentesis


Respuesta dada por: zakurah39


1. Ride

2. Like

3. Don't design

4. Crosses

5. Need

6. Plan

7. Don't enjoy

8. Has

9. Connects

10. doesn't go


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