• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jerofonseca
  • hace 7 años

help me please check the option

Choose the correct words.
1. We swom/were swimming in the sea when Joe cut/was cutting his leg on some
2. You explored /were exploring the city when you discovered / were discovering a
new restaurant.
3. While I made/was making the dinner, I burned/was buring my arm.
4. Lisa pulled /was pulling a muscle while she carried / was carrying a heavy suit
5. When Daniel Craig had/ was having the accident, he made / was making a film


Respuesta dada por: antoniaschorwer
Te ayudaría pero estoy en lo mismo tú y yo no sé nada de inglés perdón pero busca en el traductor o espera que otra persona te ayuda
Respuesta dada por: KatherineNayely


1. were swimming,cut

2.were exploring, discovered

3.was making, burned

4.pulled, was carrying

5.had, was making

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