This report was prepared by Julie Meyer, Statistician, Age and
Special Populations Branch, under the general direction of Amy
Symens Smith, Chief of the Age and Special Populations Branch,
and Karen Humes, Assistant Division Chief for Special Population
Statistics, Population Division. Enrique Lamas, Associate Director
for Demographic Programs, and Nancy Potok, Deputy Director and
Chief Operating Officer at the U.S. Census Bureau, provided overall
Special thanks are extended to many individuals involved in the creation and review of the report. Charles Holmberg, Age and Special
Populations Branch, prepared the maps. Janet Wysocki, Census
Activities and Tabulation Staff, Brian Kincel, Age and Special Populations Branch, and Benjamin Bolender, Population Estimates Branch,
Population Division, provided data assistance. Extensive review and
comments were provided by Frank Hobbs, Population Division.
Additional comments were provided by J. Gregory Robinson, Special Assistant, Population Division, and Victoria Velkoff, Assistant
Division Chief for Population Estimates and Projections. Principal statistical assistance was provided by Patrick Cantwell and Richard
Griffin of the Decennial Statistical Studies Division, with additional
review by James Dinwiddie of the Decennial Management Division.
Editorial comments were provided by Marjorie Hanson. Additionally, the late Gregory Spencer provided valuable mentorship on
centenarian data quality analysis, which provided the foundation for
the data quality section in this report.
Coordination of the project within Population Division was provided by Julie VanEerden. Linda Chen, Amanda Perry, and Joel
Pugatsky, of the Administrative and Customer Services Division,
Francis Grailand Hall, Chief, provided publications and printing
management, graphics design and composition, and editorial review
for print and electronic media. General direction and production
management were provided by Claudette E. Bennett, Assistant
Division Chief. Melanie Deal in the Public Information Office coordinated the public release of this product.