• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 7 años

Complete the sentences with will or going to and the correct form in parentheses. In three cases, both are correct.

1.This summer, I____ (work) in my uncle´s shop to earn money.
2.I think the weather____(be) nice this weekend. Let´s go to the beach!
3. What____ you _____(buy) Georgia for her birthday?
i haven´t thought about it.... Wait, I know! I _____(get) her that book she was talking about.
4. Do you think we ____ (live) longer in the future?
I don´t think so- I actually think that we _____ (have) lost more health problems than we do now.
5. I´ve thought a lot about it and this year, I___(try) to meditate more often


Respuesta dada por: lauraruiz2004


1. I will work...

2.going to be...

3. what do you will buy... I will get...

4. we going to live... we going to have...

5. i going to try...

Anónimo: disculpa, sabes a que se refiere in three cases, both are correct?
Anónimo: en 3 casos son correctos, pero no entiendo, hay que cambiar algo o asi no mas?
lauraruiz2004: No se le cambia nada a menos que sea tercera persona, sin embargo en ninguna oración estaba de esta manera.
lauraruiz2004: En cuanto a lo de tres casos, se refiere a que hay tres oraciones en las que cualquiera de los dos son correctos
Anónimo: gracias
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