Indirect Questions
Change the direct questions into indirect questions. Use 'can you tell me'.
1.- Where does she play tennis?
2.- Does he live in Paris?
3.- Is she hungry?
4.- What is this?
5.- Do they work in Canada?
6.- When do John and Luke meet?
7.- Is he a lawyer?
8.- When is the party?
9.- Do they often go out?
10.- What does he do at the weekend?
11.- Are the children on holiday this week?
12.- Who is she?
13.- Why do you like travelling so much?
14.- Does Lizzie like ice cream?
15.- Are they from Chile?
17.- Where do you study Chinese?
18.- Where is the nearest supermarket?
19.- Do they drink coffee?
20.- Is Richard always late?


Respuesta dada por: laiabareacoma
Cambia de sitio lanpregunta, esto es inglés, no estadistica
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