e.look at the map on the right. complete te thialowes using de words/phrases in the box

how go along second turning nex to welcome theright opposite thanks left where straight ahead walkpast avenue on the

1) jim: excuse me. can you tell me____the book store is?

2) phil: sure.____mallory street qnd take the____left.____the beauty shop. the book store is____cort house

start point-school

3) cathy: excuse me.____, do i get to the coofe shop?

4) mandy: go____and turn____into second____. then take the first turning on____. the coffe shop is____of third avenue and tortie lane____the gas station

nesecito eso, si alguien save por favor


Respuesta dada por: Mariax12


Si quieres ayudarte con ingles te recomiendo usar traductor que te ayuda,espera yo ya realice esta tarea la busco y te contesto

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