• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: guzmannava01
  • hace 8 años

Necesito 4 oraciones de Cada uno
- pick out
leave out
hang up
point out
blow up
turn on
hold up
put on
turn up
bring up
set up
try on
take off
talk over
put off
use up
read cover


Respuesta dada por: patricio2272


My wife is trying to pick out her son's headstone.

If you can pay half of that, I'll make up the rest.

I told you no detail is too small to leave out.

I have to hang up the clothes

I'd just like to point out that this wasn't my idea.

Well, that's one thing you can't do over the telephone.

A fire at Hughes, a gas main blow-up at MacKenzie.

Make a right turn on Pass Avenue to Riverside Drive

That would not hold up in the court of law.

ya me canse xd, ahi tienes algo ;v


patricio2272: But if they turn up in Ireland, is very annoying for you
patricio2272: He asked me to bring up all the incident reports.
patricio2272: This pattern can get set up in families with money.
patricio2272: If you don't ask him to try on the gloves, I will.
patricio2272: I took off my coat because the room was hot
patricio2272: There's some things I'd like to talk over with you.
patricio2272: We are going to call off the meeting
patricio2272: Gives me an excuse to put off the book.
patricio2272: You can use up to 6 monitors depending on system compatibility.
patricio2272: He read over the contract carefully.
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