• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: buguenomatias56
  • hace 7 años

1. Complete the sentence with the present continuous of the verb in brackets:
(Completa las oraciones en presente continuo: verbo to be + el verbo principal que esta entre paréntesis con -ing) RECUERDA HACER TODO EN TU CUADERNO.
• We are in the garden. My mother _________________ (water) the plants and Tom _____________ (lie) on the grass. Dad and me _______________ (play) cards and our dog ____________ (chase) our neighbours’ cat.
• “What ___________________ (Tony/do)?” “He _______________ (surf) the Internet now.
• You _________________ (not/listen) to me, Sue! What ________________ (you/think) about? You look absent-minded.
• Mary _________________ (sit) on the sofa _____________ (read) a book.
• “Where’s your boyfriend?” “He _________________ (park) the car.”
• The children ___________________ (not/ swim), they _____________ (run).
• Who _____________________ (Mandy/ speak) to? I don’t know him.
• Something strange _________________ (happen) in the street. I can hear a police car.
• My grandmother _________________ (knit) a sweater and a pair of gloves for my brother.
• I ________________ (write) to Sue. I _______________ (tell) her about our adventure holiday.
• My sister ______________ (brush) her hair.
• Paul ________________ (wash up) while his wife _____________ (iron) some trousers.
• Sally _______________ (save) because she wants to buy some new trainers.
• “Why _______________ (the baby/ cry)? Is he hungry?” “No, he ___________.”
• Carol _______________ (not/ dance) with Patrick, she ____________ (drink) some coke.
• My brother and his friend Adam ________________ (learn) to drive.
• If it ______________ (not/ rain), we can go out.
• ____________________ (Alice/ eat) a cheese or a ham sandwich?
• Some people ________________ (wait) for the bus. Let’s join the queue!
• Peter isn’t at home now, he ________________ (walk) the dog.
• “_________________ (the students/ revise) for their exam?” “Yes, they ___________.”
• We ____________ (pack) our suitcase since we ______________ (leave) for London tomorrow.
• Who _______________ (bring) the camera? I want to take some photos of the wedding.
• Don’t disturb Lewis! He _______________ (study) a lot to pass his maths exam.
• Why __________________ (you/ tease) your sister, Andy? Leave her alone!
• Can you turn the light on? It _____________ (get) dark.


Respuesta dada por: WydenLush

tuve que hacerlo asi porque no me dejaba escribirlo directamente

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