• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: barbarabdmg
  • hace 7 años

oraciones activas y pasivas en pasado continuo​


Respuesta dada por: juankbiker


1. She took the car at 8:30 p.m.  

the car was taken by her at 8:30 p.m.  

2. The waiter washed the pots at 9:00  

the pots were washed by him at 9:00

3. I washed my caps.  

my caps were washed by me.  

4. They explained the exercise  

the exercise was explained by them

5. We explained the exercises  

the exercises were explained by us

6. He wrote two poems for his girlfriend  

two poems were written by him for his girlfriend  

7. She wrote a love poem  

a love poem was written by her

8. We read that book every day  

that book was read by us every day  

9. Sharon spoke four languages  

four languages were spoken by her

10. They sowed potatoes last month.  

potatoes were sowed by them last month.


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