(es urgente,unas 80 palabras plss)
Write a formal e-mail to your mayor about a problem in your town!
Respuesta: Hi Mayor
Last Saturday there was a problem in the town, about five o’clock I was taking a break in the park, I was eating an ice cream, when I ate all my ice cream y I felt bad so I went to the hospital, when I arrived to the hospital the nurse told me that they can’t attend me, so I started to argue with the nurse and he said me that they can’t attend me because there is not important, finally about two hours he attends me, so all the town needs that you make better the attention in all the hospitals.
I away your prompt response, thank you mayor
Dear mayor
I'm writing you to talk about an issue that many citizens have encountered the last few months. As you may know the amount of robberies in this town has grown significantly, which would not be a problem if it were handled properly by the authorities. We would want the local police and guards to look out more, I am speaking for the entire town by saying this. The main problem is that the citizens are beginning to grow very scared. There have been about 5 robberies only this week and the shops are running out of money to repare the damage it has done to the before growing economy in this town. I hope that this advice will be taken by heart by you and the local police.
Katie Blossom