• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lady0312pbmr8i
  • hace 7 años

hola si me podrian ayudar desarrollando esto es urgente



Respuesta dada por: marcossilba59


que tenes que hacer se algo de ingles puedo talvez ayudarte!!

lady0312pbmr8i: necesito saber si esto me quedo bien
lady0312pbmr8i: 5. Write the sentence with the modal verb in the specified form.
(-) Negative
(+) Affirmative
(?) Interrogative.

Put a period at the end of the sentence.


Question: (+) He work at night. (must)

Answer: He must work at night.
(-) She use that dress. (should) *

she shouldn't be wearing that dress.
(+) Carlos read that book. (must) *
Carlos must read that book.
(-) Alfredo work from his house. (must) *

Alfredo shouldn't be working from home.
marcossilba59: los primeros puntos estan bien pero los ultimos no se. perdoname pero quedate tranqui que los primeros estan bienn
lady0312pbmr8i: ok gracias
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