• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kp440565
  • hace 7 años

1- Complete the text with the verbs in the passive. Use the Present Simple, Past Simple or the Present Perfect.
The Eurostar 0 was launched (launch) in 1994 and 1 _______________ (report) to be one of the fastest trains in Europe. It 2________________(design) to link the UK, France and Belgium. A second train station 3 _______________ (build) in Ashford in Kent in 1996 and, in 2007 Eurostar services 4_______________(move) from Waterloo International to St Pancras, London. Many records 5 ______________ (set) by Eurostar. In 2003, it 6 _____________(name) the fastest train in the UK and travelled at speeds of 334.7 kilometres per hour. The journey between Paris and London _______________ now (complete) in less than two hours four minutes.

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