• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Jduekexiirledorooe
  • hace 8 años

6 oraciones de past continuos de la leyenda el cura sin cabeza


Respuesta dada por: valentinajimenez2411

Respuesta:*Where had the leyend taken place?

*what had been the reason of the death?

*When had the leyend happened?

* Had the protagonist been in danger?

*Had had the horse a raider in a course?


*the horse raider hadn´t been happy

*he hadn´t been alive at the end

*The peoplehadn´t been please with the horse raider

*the horse handn´t been able to survive

* He hadn´t knew about the bullet.


* He had had a horse

* He had lived inNew York

* He had been in a forest

* He had haunted the place

* He hab been unhappy

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