• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Roan333
  • hace 7 años

Write a story using the articles "a", "an" and "the". At least 100 words.


Respuesta dada por: kmszs

My story is about a boy who has magical powers. This guy lives in the woods and had a dog. One day, his dog died of a troll that ate him. That day was the worst day of that boy's life. But the next day, he decided to take revenge on the troll because he had eaten his beloved dog. He made a long journey, where he encountered more trolls, wish-granting magic fairies, and many strange animals. When he arrived at the troll's cave, he realized that the troll was asleep, so he created a plan and waited for the troll to wake up. When the giant troll woke up, the boy put his plan into action, hid behind a rock, waited for the troll to move to the right a little, and spell it. It turned him into a very ugly frog, causing the troll that was now a frog to start crying. The boy noticed that the troll was sad, and turned him back into the troll he was, but now, he had learned his lesson and befriended the boy with magical powers.

Espero que te funcione!! :D

Respuesta dada por: yurannyculmav


A boy had a bracelet and he wanted to give it to his mom and the mom gave him a big hug

the next day the lady dropped her bracelet and worried that she couldn't find it, the boy came and asked her "Mom and the bracelet that I give you?" She told him the truth "my son, I accidentally dropped the bracelet you gave me" and the boy started looking for her under the bed of the tables, the closet, behind the door behind the curtains, everything and nothing until suddenly I look at a corner and there was that bracelet.

Espero y te ayude!!.


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