Necesito que me lo busquen daré 60 puntos:
a) Listado de cognados (cognates)
b) Listado de palabras familiares.
c) Listado de verbos: Regulares e Irregulares.
Time like these can be stressful
And it can be hard to keep track of everything that´s going on
One of the best ways to handle a public health issue like COVID-19
It´s to be educated and prepared.
And to get information from reliable sources.
Actually, that´s what we do.
Everything you hear in this song comes from trusthworthy sources like the Centers for Desease Control and Prevention´s web site.
So let´s talk about what you need to know about COVID-19
A coronavirus is a type of virus
In fact, there are multiple different kinds.
COVID-19 is the illness caused by a brand new coronavirus.
That hadn´t been identified in humans until late 2019.
“CO” for corona, “VI” for virus, “D” for desease.
“19” for the year it was first seen.
According to CDC it spreads mainly person to person
When they´re in close contact, within six feet and
Droplets from a cough or sneeze
From someone infected with COVID-19
Land in the nose or mouth though, or gets inhaled by somebody else who is close by.
The CDC also says it might spread
From touching surfaces where the virus is found, then touching the nose, mouth or eyes
But they emphasize this way is less like
So, here´s the CDC´s top tips
To help limit spread and keep from getting sick.
Wash your hands often with water and soap
For 20 second at least, count as you go
If can´t wash your hands, use hand sanitizer
And try not to touch your nose, mouth or eyes.
With nowashed hands.
If you know someone´s sick
Give´em space and keep your distance
And if COVID-19 starts to spread
In your community, the CDC says
It´s best to stay home away from large crowds
A little bit of distance can be a big help.
Now, let´s talk about symptoms
The signs a person might have this illness are:
Fever, cough and shortness of breath.
Symptoms can take 2 – 14 days to surface
The CDC says older adult and those
With health problems are more at risk
But no two cases are the same
There´s been a wide range, mild to severe
If symptoms appear, it´s best to contact a medical professional
They´re the best equipped to offer advice that´s credible.
In the middle of a stressful time
It can be easy to forget that´s best to be kind
Anxiety might lead people to reject certain groups
Assuming that they´re at greater risk
So keep in mind, anyone can get sick
No matter their race, profession or ethnic background
We´re all in this together.
Things are changing pretty quickly
And experts are learning more every day
If you wanna learn more or stay up to date on COVID-19
Reliable sources like the CDC and World Health Organization
Are constantly updating their websites with new information.
Time, stressful , One, public, educated, prepared , information, Actually, Desease, Control, Preventions, site, virus , multiple, different, caused identified, humans, person, contact, infected, inhaled, touching, emphasize,
second, count, sanitizer , touch, space, distance , community, symptoms , signs, Fever, days, adult, risk , case, range, severe , medical, professional ,
equipped, credible, middle, time , Anxiety, people, groups , ethnic, experts, Organization , constantly, information.
Palabras familiares:
can, be, time, hard, keep, COVID-19, to, educates, information, that, we, song, like, talk, need, know, virus, type, multiple, caused, by, a, new, humans, year, first, from, infected, nose, mouth, somebody, spreas, eyes, tips, sick, water, nads, space, big, help, risk, matter, things,
be, keep, going, handle, get, do, hear, comes, know, talk, are, caused, identified, had, seen, land, inhaled, spread, touchings, emphasize, count, wash, use, says, stay, contact, forget, changing, learning, updating