• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Liizeth2002
  • hace 8 años

My name's Megan. Last month I was at
the beach with Peter, Andy and Lucy.
Peter was swimming and I was sunbathing.
Andy and Lucy were buying an ice cream
in a café.

Suddenly we heard a very loud noise. We
Looked up and we saw this object in the
sky. It was very long and it was a sort of
green colour. It was moving very slowly.

Peter ran out of the sea. We were looking
at the object when it suddenly changed to
red. Andy and Lucy came and stood next
to us. We were all looking at it. The object
changed to blue and it started to move
very fast. In a few seconds it was invisible.

We talked to a lot of people on the beach.
but they didn't have any explanation.

2. Choose the best title for the story

a) A strange object in the sky.
b) Megan's holldays.
c) An object that changes colours

3. Read the text again. Answer these questions
1) Where were Megan and her friends last month?
2) What was Megan doing?
3) Why did they look up?
4) What was Peter's reaction?
5) Did the object change colours?
6)What were they doing when the object changed to red?
7) Was the object moving slowly when it became invisible?

_____She heard a very loud noise.
_____The object changed to blue.
_____The object disappeared.
_____She saw a long object in the sky.
_____Megan was sunbathing
_____The object changed to red



Respuesta dada por: crisstina112


2. a

3. 1) They were in the beach.

2) She was sunbathing  

3) Beacuse she heard a very loud noise.

4) Peter ran out of the sea.

5) Yes

6) They were looking at the object.

7) No, the object was moving very fast when it became invisible.

__2__She heard a very loud noise.

__5__The object changed to blue.

__6__The object disappeared.

__3__She saw a long object in the sky.

__1__Megan was sunbathing

__4__The object changed to red


aliciagallardo969: hola me podrías ayudar con lo de Inglés porfa
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