• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: enzocarrizo71
  • hace 7 años

Write what these people can (+) and can't do (-).
Use the short form in the negative sentences.
1. Robbie / play the piano. (+)
2. You / read a book. (-)
3. Harry and William / cook. (-)
4. Tessa / ride a horse. (+)
5. Her parents / speak English. (-)
6. Rita / run fast. (+)​


Respuesta dada por: cotiicardillo


robbie can play the piano

you cant read a book

harry and william cant cook

tessa can ride a horse

her paents cant speak english

ritan can run fast

Explicacióni dont know, copy

Respuesta dada por: florpalomagarciavive


que grado eres para ayudarte

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