short story about an imaginary day at the zoo. What animals you saw and what were those animals doing?
Last week, I visited the zoo, and I really enjoyed It. There were a lot of animals, but specially monkeys. They're my favourite animal. Most of them were playing with each other, or eating bananas. There were tigers too, but I'm afraid of them so I didnt really interact with them. I also saw a bunch of giraffes, and yeah, they're tall as we all know. They were picking some fruit from a tree, a very tall tree. But the most important thing is that I really enjoyed it, you should come with me some day!
Suerte con tu tarea/trabajo!
I'm going to tell you about my experience in the zoo, when I was there, it was a wonderful day because I might see lots of animals that belong tho the wildlife, like lions, snakes or even I saw one of the biggest animals in the world, that is the elephant, or the longest neck of the world, that is giraffe but the day was quiet short, so I have got to leave. But definitely it was an awesome day.