• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: JohnCena88
  • hace 8 años

Write your daily routine for each day of the week:


Use adverbs of frequency and the time when you do each activity
En inglés porfavor e inventado solamente con que use la hora y el adverbio de frecuencia


Respuesta dada por: leire26112006


My Daily Routines

I’m going to speak about my daily routine.

On weekdays (from Monday to Friday), I wake up at twenty past seven, but I

get up at half past. I have a shower, and then I have breakfast. I usually have

a white coffee and toast for breakfast, but some days I have biscuits or

cookies! (People in the USA say “cookies” and people in the UK say “biscuits”.)

After breakfast I get dressed and I go to work at quarter past eight. I walk to

the train station. That’s about ten minutes. I get the train at 8.30 and I get to

Atocha train station at ten to nine, and then I walk to my office.

I start work at nine. I work from nine to two, and from three to six in the

afternoon. I have lunch in my office. I often have a sandwich and a piece of

fruit. Sometimes I have a chocolate bar, too! After work, I go shopping for food

and things for the house. I get home before half past seven. I rest a bit, and

then I do some housework. At about nine I cook dinner for my family and me.

We usually have dinner at half past nine. After that, we watch TV or I read a

book. I usually go to sleep in front of the TV set or the book! I’m very tired!

I go to bed at midnight.

At the weekend, my day is much better! I sleep more and I relax. Sometimes I

go out for a drink with friends or my family and I go out for a meal. Once a

month w ego on a day trip to the countryside or the mountain. We need to

breathe fresh air! Sometimes I stay home, and I listen to music, or watch films

or movies with my family. I also like drawing and dancing! Sometimes I go

dancing with my friends. It’s fun! On Sunday evening I usually read a bit, novels!


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hace 8 años