• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: matteuccidiana09
  • hace 8 años

Ayúdenme a completar por fas, son 2 enunciados
1 Palabras: get, do, get, had, felt
a. I had a bad cold last month, and it took weeks to ------------------- better.
b. I was irgey. Butn hospital last week. I ------------------- a surgery. But now I`m ok.
c. My doctor told me to ------------------- more excersice, so I`m going to join a gym.
d. I ----------------------- an appointment with the doctor at 2:30 next tuesday.
e. I didn`t eat anything yesterday. I ----------------- sick

2. Palabras: telling, hilarious, told me, persuased me, funny
My grandpa is always ---------------- jokes, but I don`t get them.
Last week he ------------- to listen to new joke. I said that I didn`t want to,
but he ---------------- it was --------------. I laughed at the end,
but it wasn`t ------------------ at all Poor grandpa


Respuesta dada por: luuciap


  • 1: I had a bad cold last montanand I took weeks to get better
  • 2: I was irgey. But hospital last week. I had a surgery. But now i'm ok.
  • 3: My doctor told me to do more exorcise, so I'm going to join a gym
  • 4: I have an appointment with the doctor at 2:30 at next tuesday.
  • 5: I didn't eat anything yesterday, I felt sick

My grandpa is always telling jokes, but I don't get them. Last week he told me to listen a new joke, but I said that I didn't want to, but he persuased me. It was hillarious. I laughed at the end, but it wasn't funny at all, poor grandpa.

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