• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: valentina732
  • hace 7 años

Liste and Read
Daily Life
Listen and read.
Answer these questions without listening
or reading.
a. What time does her alarm go off?
b. Does she have breakfast at home?
c. How does she get to wok?
Sara Robbins is a newsreader. She
reads the news on the radio. Milions of
people listen to her voice every morning
as they prepare to go to work. Many
people co not recognize her wnen they
see her in the street, but everybody
knows her voice!
Sara's day usually starts when most
people are sleep her alama ceck
normally goes off at 3 a.m. Her news
program starts at 6 a.m. and she needs
to be at the studio at 4 a.m.
She always drives to work. "It's too early
to get otrain", she says. She amves at
the studio at about a quarter to four.
She has a cup of coffee and toasts near
hеr оnсе
At nine o'clock when most people
are starting to work, she has a second
Sara never goes straight back
home her work. She prefers
going to the gym, or sometimes
she goes swimming or to yoga
0. What time does she amve to won?
e. What time does she go to bed?
Listen and read again to check your answers.
Read and tick T (True) or F (False)
Onweekdays, Sara never goes
out in the evening because
She needs to be in bed by nine
o dod ut, sometimes she
m es tends to her
house for dinner
a Sara leaves howe at 5 30 am
She finishes her work at 9.00 pm
c. Every day, she has two breakiasts
d Occasionally, Sara goes to yoca coss
e She usually has a cup of coffee and
toasts at the studio
1. From Monday to Friday, Sara
always goes to bed early​

necesito las respuestas en ingles

y la otra es ver si es verdadera o falsa



Respuesta dada por: taniarl



Back up: apoyar. The rest of the team backed her up when she told Management about her plans. También puede significar «dar marcha atrás» o «hacer una copia de seguridad».

Bring up: mencionar algo. Don’t bring up the budget during the meeting, please.

Carry out: llevar a cabo. The company is carrying out a plan to increase salaries by 20% next year.

Come across: encontrarse a alguien por casualidad. I went to the park and came across your brother – he is looking so grown up now!

Come up with: ocurrirse (una idea, solución…). Remember our IT problem? Well, Carlos has come up with a great solution!

Drop off: dejar a alguien en un sitio. Marcos is dropping me off at the airport today.

Find out: averiguar. María got promoted when they found out she has excellent business skills.

Get along: llevarse bien. Do you get along with your English teacher? I think she’s really cool.

Get back to: responder más tarde. Let me check out some numbers and I will get back to you with an answer this afternoon.

Get over: superar. He has gotten over his breakup quite well, don’t you think?

Give up: dejar un hábito. I gave up smoking last May. También puede significar «rendirse».

Hurry up: darse prisa. Hurry up or we will never make it in time!

Look after: cuidar de alguien. I’m looking after the children while my sister is at work.

Make up: recuperar. Making up for lost time. Otros posibles significados: hacer las paces, maquillarse, inventar…

Pick up: recoger. Can you pick me up at the train station? También puede significar «aprender por casualidad»: I picked up some French while I was living in Paris.

Point out: señalar. Thanks for pointing this out, John -otherwise we could have made a big mistake.

Set up: fundar, establecer. I have always wanted to set up my own freelance business.

Turn on/off: encender/apagar. Can you turn the lighs off when you leave, please?

Turn out: ocurrir de manera diferente a lo esperado. As it turns out, John didn’t get the job in Advertising -he is going to Australia for a gap year instead.

Turn up: llegar o aparecer. Mike hasn’t turned up yet. Do any of you know where is he?

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