• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: zetaisa31
  • hace 8 años

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Marcus después de sufrir el accidente en donde se lanzo al carruaje , fue hallado casi muerto , según el capitulo no se sabe quien fue el que lo llevo al fuerte , llevaba seis días inconsciente y cuando despertó su primera reacción fue levantarse pero se le era imposible por tanto dolor en su pierna derecha , en ese momento llego el doctor ,aclarando le que no podía levantase y Drusillus el segundo al comando habla con Marcus diciéndole que ya no podía ser más el capitán de la segunda legion, Marcus se siendo muy mal y defraudado por a ver sido derrotado y por su pierna casi destrozada , fue sacado del fuerte y se tubo que ir a vivir a donde su tío que casi nunca se encontraba y el que lo cuidaba se llamaba estepano , era un tipo de esclavo de Marcus , unos días después se hicieron un tipo de apuestas en el coliseo principal , dónde apuestan por la vida de los animales e incluso por las vidas de algunos esclavos , cuando llegaron al coliseo se encontraba casi lleno y en todo el frente de las bancas dónde se sentaban Marcus y su tío , se encontraba una familia , se encontraba una pequeña con su padre un hombre gordo y bastante malvado se podría decir, con su esposa , la pequeña tenía una mirada de profundo dolor y un trauma increíble ,Marcus la miraba y no paraba de pensar en lo que esa pequeña niña puedo estar viviendo en ese momento , cuándo sacaron a los animales a peliar , sacaron a un oso y un lobo, el oso no quería matar al lobo pero por su instinto le tocó hacerlo al final mato al lobo , y mataron al oso sin remordimiento alguno , recogiendo su cuerpo ; salieron los siguientes participantes dos hombres uno llamado el espadachín y el otro el pescador , el espadachín tenía una lanza y un pequeño escudo y el pescador tenía una red con piedras pesadas para poder atrapar al espadachín fácilmente y poderlo matar fácilmente la pelea comenzó y el pescador derribo al espadachín y en ese momento Marcus sintió una compacion por ese hombre a si que hizo un símbolo de aprobación para que se terminará la pelea , alzando su dedo pulgar y dando por finalizada la pelea , después de que lo salvó , Marcus dijo a su tío que quería comprar a aquel esclavo , su tío respondió con un si , y se compró a este esclavo , al llegar al sitio donde vía marcus , se gruzaron un par de palabras no muchas en realidad pregúntale su nombre y el espadachín dándole las gracias por haberlo sábado ,al día siguiente se mando al esclavo a cazar lobos a las afueras por qué a Marcus se le era imposible ir , al llegar el espadachín trajo consigo una bolsa donde traía un cachorro lobo como regalo contándole a Marcus sobre que habían matado a la madre y al resto de su camada pero que el había podido salvar a este pequeño cachorro y decidió llevárselo como muestra de agradecimiento , esto dió para extender la conversación entre los dos y al final terminaron hablando de aquella escudrilla en la que el padre de Marcus estaba al lado y nunca había regresado


Respuesta dada por: pasajegonzalezn


Marcus after suffering the accident where he was thrown into the carriage, was found almost dead, according to the chapter it is not known who was the one who took him to the fort, he had been unconscious for six days and when he woke up his first reaction was to get up but it was impossible therefore pain in his right leg, at that moment the doctor arrived, clarifying that he could not get up and Drusillus the second to the command speaks with Marcus telling him that he could no longer be the captain of the second legion, Marcus was being very bad and disappointed to see been defeated and his leg almost shattered, he was taken from the fort and had to go to live where his uncle who was almost never and the one who took care of him was called steppe, was a type of Marcus slave, a few days later a type of bets were made in the main coliseum, where they bet on the lives of animals and even the lives of some slaves, when they reached the colosseum it was almost full and in t On the front of the benches where Marcus and his uncle sat, there was a family, a little girl was with her father, a fat and rather evil man could say, with his wife, the little girl had a look of deep pain and a incredible trauma, Marcus looked at her and kept thinking about what that little girl may be living at that time, when they took the animals to move, they took a bear and a wolf, the bear did not want to kill the wolf but because of his instinct he had to do in the end killed the wolf, and killed the bear without any regrets, collecting his body; the following participants left two men, one called the swordsman and the other the fisherman, the swordsman had a spear and a small shield and the fisherman had a net with heavy stones to be able to catch the swordsman easily and be able to easily kill the fight began and the fisherman He knocked down the swordsman and at that moment Marcus felt a comparison for that man so that he made a symbol of approval so that the fight will end, raising his thumb and ending the fight, after he saved him, Marcus told his Uncle who wanted to buy that slave, his uncle answered with a yes, and he bought this slave, when he arrived at the place where Marcus came, a couple of words growled not many actually ask him his name and the swordsman thanking him for having saturday, the next day the slave was sent to hunt wolves outside because Marcus was unable to go, when he arrived the swordsman brought a b Olsa where he brought a wolf cub as a gift telling Marcus that they had killed the mother and the rest of his litter but that he had been able to save this little puppy and decided to take it as a token of gratitude, this gave to extend the conversation between the two and in the end they ended up talking about that bowl in which Marcus's father was next and had never returned

Respuesta dada por: luisiana38
Marcus after suffering the accident where he threw himself into the carriage, was found almost dead, according to the chapter it is not known who was the one who took him to the fort, he had been unconscious for six days and when he woke up his first reaction was to get up but it was impossible therefore pain in his right leg, at that moment the doctor arrived, clarifying that he could not get up and Drusillus the second to the command speaks with Marcus telling him that he could no longer be the captain of the second legion, Marcus was being very bad and disappointed to see been defeated and his leg almost shattered, he was taken from the fort and had to go to live where his uncle who was almost never found and the one who took care of him was called steppe, was a type of Marcus slave, a few days later a type of bets were made in the main coliseum, where they bet on the lives of animals and even the lives of some slaves, when they reached the colosseum it was almost full and in t On the front of the benches where Marcus and his uncle sat, there was a family, a little girl was with her father, a fat and rather evil man could say, with his wife, the little girl had a look of deep pain and a incredible trauma, Marcus looked at her and kept thinking about what that little girl may be living at that time, when they took the animals to move, took a bear and a wolf, the bear did not want to kill the wolf but because of his instinct he had to do in the end killed the wolf, and killed the bear without any regrets, collecting his body; the following participants left two men, one called the swordsman and the other the fisherman, the swordsman had a spear and a small shield and the fisherman had a net with heavy stones to be able to catch the swordsman easily and be able to easily kill the fight began and the fisherman He knocked down the swordsman and at that moment Marcus felt a comparison for that man so that he made a symbol of approval so that the fight will end, raising his thumb and ending the fight, after he saved him, Marcus told his Uncle who wanted to buy that slave, his uncle answered with a yes, and he bought this slave, when he arrived at the place where Marcus came, a couple of words growled not many actually ask him his name and the swordsman thanking him for having saturday, the next day the slave was sent to hunt wolves outside because Marcus was unable to go, when he arrived the swordsman brought a b Olsa where he brought a wolf cub as a gift telling Marcus that they had killed the mother and the rest of his litter but that he had been able to save this little puppy and decided to take it as a token of gratitude, this gave to extend the conversation between the two and in the end they ended up talking about that bowl in which Marcus's father was next and had never returned
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