• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: diamelysmaria02
  • hace 8 años


Los seres humanos somos una mezcla de percepciones, emociones, sentimientos y pensamientos que tenemos. Todos estos elementos nos conforman y dan como resultado una forma de ser y de actuar en el mundo.

Nuestra mente es extraordinariamente poderosa y hábil para dirigir nuestro comportamiento, tanto para hacer el bien como para hacer el mal. Gracias a ella realizamos todos los procesos de pensamiento racional, pero también en ella se dejan sentir unas fuerzas poderosas: las emociones.

De esta manera podemos decir que somos razón y emoción. Dichas fuerzas a veces apuntan hacia el mismo lugar, pero en otras se enfrentan y nos obligan a tomar una decisión. Tenemos la opción de “seguir a nuestro «corazón»” o de hacer caso a la lista de pros y contras.

“Las personas que son emocionalmente inteligentes no remueven todas sus emociones al momento de tomar una decisión. Remueven aquellas emociones que no tienen nada que ver con la decisión que van a tomar”. Stéphane Coté, profesor de Comportamiento Organizacional Universidad de Toronto (Huffington Post, 2013)

En el año 2004, Antoine Bechara publicó una investigación neurológica en Brain and Cognition, que encontró que los pacientes con lesiones en el área ventromedial de la corteza prefrontal del cerebro tenían problemas para procesar sus emociones y tomar decisiones. Esto sugiere que las emociones juegan un rol importante en la toma de decisiones.

Así, se necesita más experiencia, más tiempo y un grado mayor de habilidad para construir razones que para dejar nacer emociones.

Muchas de las conductas humanas dependen de las emociones. Estas, por lo tanto, pueden ser significativas o al menos tener un gran peso en las decisiones que tomamos. Es más, por lo general, son determinantes

Rob Yeung, es un doctor en psicología que ha dedicado su vida a la investigación de la persuasión y la toma de decisiones. Según él las emociones son poderosas, pero dependen del contexto en donde las uses y añade que el miedo es una de las emociones más potentes a la hora de persuadir — por algo es el favorito de los políticos y medios de comunicación. Pero debe ser usada apropiadamente para que funcione, ofreciendo una solución simple. Si la solución es muy compleja y ateradora entonces no motivará la acción o el cambio que se busca.

En teoría, las emociones no son determinantes, pero sí pueden ser muy decisivas. Son esenciales para el ser humano y van inmersas en sus juicios y deliberaciones en la vida. No se trata de negarlas, sino de identificarlas y aprender a canalizarlas para nuestro propio bien.

Hay muchos ejemplos cotidianos que nos muestran cómo las emociones dominan buena parte de la conducta humana. Por ejemplo, cuando alguien piensa que debe ser más paciente, pero llegado el caso de tener que esperar en una fila, o tolerar una tardanza, se desespera y se olvida de su propósito.

Las emociones, por lo general, obedecen a causas que desconocemos

No sabemos exactamente por qué llegamos a sentir una intensa ira cuando nos sirven un café frío, si nuestra mente nos dice que realmente no es algo demasiado importante. También solemos ignorar por qué nos da tanto miedo hablar en público, por ejemplo, si finalmente es una situación que se puede controlar.
La verdad es que el poder de las emociones precisamente viene dado por lo indefinido de su origen y de su desarrollo. Forman parte de una zona de nosotros mismos que resulta difusa y a veces incomprensible.


Respuesta dada por: majokun



Human beings are a mixture of perceptions, emotions, feelings and thoughts that we have. All these elements shape us and result in a way of being and acting in the world.

Our mind is extraordinarily powerful and able to direct our behavior, both for good and evil. Thanks to it we carry out all the processes of rational thought, but it also lets us feel powerful forces: the emotions.

In this way we can say that we are reason and emotion. These forces sometimes point in the same direction, but in others they confront each other and force us to make a decision. We have the option of "following our "heart" or listening to the list of pros and cons.

"People who are emotionally intelligent do not remove all their emotions when making a decision. They remove those emotions that have nothing to do with the decision they are going to make. Stéphane Coté, Professor of Organizational Behaviour University of Toronto (Huffington Post, 2013)

In 2004, Antoine Bechara published neurological research in Brain and Cognition, which found that patients with injuries in the ventromedial area of the prefrontal cortex of the brain had problems processing their emotions and making decisions. This suggests that emotions play an important role in decision making.

Thus, it takes more experience, more time and a greater degree of skill to construct reasons than to let emotions arise.

Many human behaviours depend on emotions. They can therefore be significant or at least have a great influence on the decisions we make. Moreover, they are usually determinant

Rob Yeung, is a doctor of psychology who has dedicated his life to the investigation of persuasion and decision making. According to him emotions are powerful, but they depend on the context in which you use them, and he adds that fear is one of the most powerful emotions when it comes to persuasion - it's a favourite of politicians and the media for a reason. But it must be used properly for it to work, offering a simple solution. If the solution is too complex and frightening then it will not motivate the action or change being sought.

In theory, emotions are not decisive, but they can be very decisive. They are essential to the human being and are involved in his or her judgments and deliberations in life. It is not a question of denying them, but of identifying them and learning to channel them for our own good.

There are many everyday examples that show us how emotions dominate much of human behavior. For example, when someone thinks that he should be more patient, but when it comes to waiting in line, or tolerating a delay, he becomes desperate and forgets his purpose.

Emotions usually have causes we do not know about

We don't know exactly why we get to feel intense anger when we are served a cold coffee, if our mind tells us that it really isn't something that is too important. We also tend to ignore why we are so afraid of public speaking, for example, if it is finally a situation that can be controlled.

The truth is that the power of emotions is precisely because of their undefined origin and development. They are part of an area of ourselves that is diffuse and sometimes incomprehensible.

Respuesta dada por: alexikeraitana25


Human beings are a mixture of perceptions, emotions, feelings and thoughts that we have. All these elements make us up and result in a way of being and acting in the world.

Our mind is extraordinarily powerful and adept at directing our behavior, both to do good and to do evil. Thanks to it we carry out all rational thought processes, but also powerful forces are felt in it: emotions.

In this way we can say that we are reason and emotion. These forces sometimes point to the same place, but at other times they clash and force us to make a decision. We have the option to "follow our" heart "" or to heed the list of pros and cons.

“People who are emotionally intelligent do not remove all their emotions when making a decision. They remove those emotions that have nothing to do with the decision they are going to make ”. Stéphane Coté, Professor of Organizational Behavior University of Toronto (Huffington Post, 2013)

In 2004, Antoine Bechara published neurological research in Brain and Cognition, which found that patients with lesions in the ventromedial area of ​​the prefrontal cortex of the brain had trouble processing their emotions and making decisions. This suggests that emotions play an important role in decision-making.

Thus, it takes more experience, more time, and a greater degree of skill to construct reasons than to give rise to emotions.

Many of human behaviors depend on emotions. These, therefore, can be significant or at least have a great weight in the decisions we make. Moreover, in general, they are decisive

Rob Yeung, is a doctor of psychology who has dedicated his life to the investigation of persuasion and decision making. According to him, emotions are powerful, but they depend on the context in which you use them and he adds that fear is one of the most powerful emotions when it comes to persuading - for a reason it is the favorite of politicians and the media. But it must be used properly for it to work, offering a simple solution. If the solution is very complex and threatening then it will not motivate the action or change that is sought.

In theory, emotions are not decisive, but they can be very decisive. They are essential for the human being and are immersed in his judgments and deliberations in life. It is not about denying them, but about identifying them and learning to channel them for our own good.

There are many everyday examples that show us how emotions dominate much of human behavior. For example, when someone thinks that they should be more patient, but when they have to wait in line, or tolerate a delay, they despair and forget their purpose.

Emotions, in general, are due to causes that we do not know

We do not know exactly why we get to feel intense anger when we are served a cold coffee, if our mind tells us that it really is not something too important. We also tend to ignore why we are so afraid to speak in public, for example, if it is finally a situation that can be controlled.

The truth is that the power of emotions is precisely given by the indefiniteness of their origin and development. They are part of an area of ​​ourselves that is diffuse and sometimes incomprehensible.


espero te ayude xd

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