(see) that film! It was terrible.
They've been playing for forty minutes but no one
(score) a goal yet.
(know) each other for years.
I really need a break! |
_ (revise) all morning!
Hey, you look different. Have you
(change) your hair?
Can we go if we
Your hands are really dirty! What have you
(eat) all the cake?! There's none left.
Did you saw...
They didn't score...
We have known...
I was reviewing...
Estas oraciones debes completarlas usando el presente perfecto.
1. Have you seen that film! It was terrible.
2. They've been playing for forty minutes but no one has scored a goal yet.
3. We have known each other for years.
4. I really need a break! I have revised all morning!
5. Hey, you look different. Have you changed your hair?
6. Can we go if we have finished?
7. Your hands are really dirty! What have you done?
Who has eaten all the cake?! There's none left.
Presente Perfecto.
El presente perfecto se usa para hablar de acciones que iniciaron en el pasado pero que aún siguen sucediendo o afectando el presente, la estructura para hacer las oraciones es la siguiente.
- Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (have/has) + verbo en participio pasado + complemento.
- Sujeto + verbo auxiliar + not (haven't/hasn't) + verbo en participio pasado + complemento.
- Verbo aux (Have/Has) + sujeto + verbo en participio pasado + complemento + ?
Puedes ver más del presente perfecto aquí brainly.lat/tarea/13228