Hola, necesito que me digan una oracion en ingles afirmativa negativa y una pregunta en presente simple (de los que llevan s en el verbo) todos deven llevar de esas tres (tambien deven ser con diferentes verbos)
otras 3 en presente simple con verbo tobe
otras 3 en present continuous
otras 3 en past simple
otras 3 en past simple con verb tobe
otras 3 en past continuous
y eso xD enserio la necesito para mañana es mi primera vez aqui asique dare 20 puntos (nose si sea mucho o poco para ustedes) y bueno eso es todo xD es con nota al libro asique enserio se los agradeceria mucho
ademas tambien les dejo como premio unas imagenes kawaiis xD
present simple: she sings very well, we doesn´t swim in the pool, does he travel to italy?
present simple to be: i´m funny, we aren´t hungry, is she happy?
present continuous: they are dancing, you aren´t study, am i dancing?
past simple: you went to spain, she didn´t work, did they eat chocolate?
past simple to be: i was sad, he wasn´t angry, were they singin?
past continuous: she was having a shower, we weren´t eating pizza, was he sleeping?
espero que esten todas bien, la foto de pikachu me encanta :3
present to be :
he is doctor
my mother is dentist
we are ingenieres
Present continous :
he is writing a card for his girlfriend
my father is watching tv now
my mother is cooking my favorite food
past simple :
i made alfajores
i washed my clothes yesterday
she went to the gym
past verb to be:
i was in cuzco
she was a good friend
he was in the movie theater