actividades de causa y efecto en areas personales academicas y laborales en ingles


Respuesta dada por: davidestesc


1. If you don't come home early, you're going to be grounded.

2. If you take care of your friends, they'll always be there when you need them. 

3. If you eat your bowl of vegetables, you will be healthy.

4. If you do not study, you're going to fail

5. If you don't wash your hands, you may get sick

6. If he doesn't call her, maybe he's about to lose her.

7. If she weren't that obnoxious, people would talk to her

8. If we wouldn't been here, there's nothing could be happened

9. If Paula doesn't like him, why she asked him out?

10. If Johnny call, please notice him to be here tomorrow at 7:00

Respuesta dada por: DBAD

There are a lot of cause and effect activities that you can place. One of them is "If you don't study, you won't pass the exam".

Examples of cause and effect

Personal area:

  • If you don't treat others with respect, they won't respect you either.
  • If you eat fat in excess, you will have health problems.
  • If you don't bath, you will have a bad smell.

Academic area:

  • If you don't study, you won't pass the exam.
  • If you don't go to class, you won't make pass the school year.
  • If you do the homework, you will pass the subject.

Labor area:

  • If you arrive on time, you will not be cautioned.
  • If you do your job, you will be a good worker.
  • If you have creative ideas and leadership, you will be promoted.

En español

Hay una gran cantidad de actividades de causa y efecto que puedes colocar. Una de ellas es "Si no estudias, no aprobarás el examen".

Ejemplos de causa y efecto

Ámbito personal:

  • Si no tratas a los demás con respeto, tampoco te respetarán a ti.
  • Si comes grasas en exceso tendrás problemas de salud.
  • Si no te bañas, tendrás mal olor.

Ámbito académico:

  • Si no estudias, no aprobarás el examen.
  • Si no vas a clases, no pasarás el año escolar.
  • Si haces las tareas, aprobarás la materia.

Ámbito laboral:

  • Si llegas a tiempo, no serás amonestado.
  • Si cumples con tu trabajo, serás un buen trabajador.
  • Si tienes ideas creativas y liderazgo, te ascenderán de puesto.

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