• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: juangui8agil
  • hace 8 años

Comidas tipicas de San Valentin en U.S.A (Explicarlas) PLISSSSSS



Respuesta dada por: crisesmuran07


The tradition among adults is to send cards to friends and loved ones, it is the day on which Americans send more cards of the year, except at Christmas. The custom comes from a lady named Esther Howland, who was the first to send Valentine's postcards and, currently, around 900 million greeting cards are sent.

Other popular gifts that are exchanged on this day are flowers (especially red roses), chocolates, sweets, underwear and champagne. The tradition of giving heart-shaped boxes of chocolates represents the delivery of the heart to the loved one. There are people who even give jewelry and diamonds. In addition, the restaurants offer special dinners for couples in love and romantic movies are also released in the cinema, such as the movie San Valentine's Day that has a full cast of celebrities.


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