• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lady17carol
  • hace 8 años

Llevar a pasado perfecto las siguientes oraciones.
1. I have gone to tokio.
2. They have written the novel.
3. She has learned to speak russian.
4. Stacy has done successful.
5. He hasn't eaten there before.
6. I have sold my car.
7. She hasn't come today.
8. We have studied english.
9. The dog has slept all day.
10. I haven't spoken english.


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i had gone to tokio.

they had written the novel.

she had learned to speak russian.

stacy had done successful.

he hadn´t eaten there before.

i had sold my car.

she hadn´t come today.

we had studied english.

the dog had slept all day.

i hadn´t spoken english.

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