• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pattyfdez8054
  • hace 8 años

EXERCISE 1: FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH: GO OVERBOARD / COME UP WITH / IN A NUTSHELL / FEW AND FAR BETWEEN / BY HEART A: Wow! What do you think of the movie? B: Well,______________________ , I really liked it. I don’t know how the writers ____________________________(a.) such imaginative stories. A: I know, I could never create a story like that. In fact, movies with really good storylines are __________________________(b.). B: Actually, I think the same about actors. There aren’t many really good actors. A: It must be difficult to be an actor. You have to learn all your lines ______________________(c.). You can’t just invent the words you are going to say. B: What do you think about the special effects? A: Personally, I think they were great. B: I don’t agree. I think they ____________________(d.) with them. The movie was energetic enough without so many special effects.


Respuesta dada por: mb657570


1- to put it in a nutshell (ponerlo en pocas palabras)

2- came up with (se les ocurrieron)

3- few and far between (no hay muchas)

4- by heart (de memoria)

5- went overboard (se pasaron)

Espero que te haya ayudado

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