• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: unnovatomas
  • hace 8 años

por favor es urgente
Rewrite the sentences using the word in brackets
and a suitable suffix. Do not change the original
meaning. Make any necessary changes.
1 It's only a spider! It can't hurt you. (harm)
2 I was very happy to hear that you've got
engaged. (thrill)
3 That poor man doesn't have anywhere to live.
4 This piece of software is very practical. (use)
5 Jane's face went red when she saw him again.
6. That was a very funny film! (amuse)
7. I couldn't believe that Bill had broken his arm
again Ishock
8. I'm trying to get fit, but I'm finding it very
difficult. (challenge)​


Respuesta dada por: mlhlmaribel2002
1. It's only a spider! It's harmless
2 I was thrilled to hear that...
3. That poor man is homeless
4. This piece of software is useful
5. Jane was embarrased when she saw him again.
6. That was an amusing film!
7. I was shocked that Bill had broken his arm.
8. I'm trying to get fit but I'm finding it very challenging.
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