• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maroy
  • hace 8 años

** Complete the dialogues with the correct past simple form of the
verbs in brackets.
1 A When ...
2 A What ...
B They ..........
3 A How .............
B He ...........
4 A A Where ........
B We....
........... (you / go) to Italy?
(go) to Italy last summer.
.... (they / have) for dinner yesterday?
... (have) pizza.
................ (Marc/ feel) before his party?
..................... (feel) excited.
........... (you and Tom/meet)?
................ (meet) on our first day at school.​


Respuesta dada por: Jsfd233

1. A.- When DID YOU GO to Italy?

B.- I WENT to Italy last summer.

2. A.- What DID THEY HAVE for dinner yesterday?

B.- THEY HAD pizza.

3. A.- How DID MARC FEEL before his party?

B.- HE FELT excited.

4. A.- Where DID You & Tom MEET?

B.- WE MET on our first day at school.​


Remember when you're talking or making sentences in past simple we use an structure. If we say a positive sentences we just change the VERB to it's past form taking in count that we have formal and informal verbs.

For positive sentences

Subject + Verb (IN IT'S PAST FORM) + Complement

Example: "I wrote a letter to Amy yesterday"

For negative sentences

Subject + Did not + Verb (IN IT'S BASE FORM) + Complement

Example: "I did not read your message"

For questions we use the auxiliary "Did"

"W" Question + subject + Verb (IN IT'S BASE FORM) + Complement

Example: "What did you do yesterday?"

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