• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jesssiepinela1234
  • hace 8 años

Usa adverbion de frequencia con verbo to y verbos de accion por favor


Respuesta dada por: angeltoms3

Oraciones con adverbios de frecuencia.

  1. I come to work every day. I always come to work.
  2. Mr, Carreño supervises the company almost every month. He usually supervises the company.
  3. The secretary makes a mistake once in a while. She sometimes makes a mistake.
  4. Our boss give us a call three times a week. He often give us a call.
  5. Mr. Bernal visits each Institute twice a year. He seldom visits each Institute.
  6. The English teachers get together once a month. They seldom get together

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