While climate change in the past _____________ a result of natural causes, the current scenario _____________ largely ________ by human behavior. a) has been - is being - caused b) was - has been - caused c) has been - is - causing d) was - had been – causing

#Exani II


Respuesta dada por: mary24457181ozqyux

(Opción B) was - has been - caused.

  • While climate change in the past WAS a result of natural causes, the current scenario HAS BEEN largely CAUSED by human behavior.

Presente Perfecto

Es el tiempo verbal del inglés que se utiliza para comunicar los hechos que han iniciado en el pasado, aun siguen teniendo relevancia en el presente.

¿Cómo construir oraciones?

  • Have.
  1. Pronombre personales: I, You, They, We.
  2. Fórmula para las oraciones: Pronombre Personal + Have + Verbo en Pasado Participio + Complemento.
  • Has.
  1. Pronombre personales: She, He, It.
  2. Fórmula para las oraciones: Pronombre Personal + Has + Verbo en Pasado Participio + Complemento.
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