• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: santanamayelin03
  • hace 8 años

un texto de 3 parrafos que el primero tenga el verbo to be, el segundo presente simple y el tercero presente continuo


Respuesta dada por: maria2006mosquera

verbo to be

I am Peter. I am 10 and I am from Mexico. I live in a house with my family. We have a big house in Mexico DF. I have 2 brothers and a sister. My brothers are Paul and John. They are twins. My sister is Silvana. She is 15. My father, Mario, is 45. He is a police officer. My mother is Laura. She is 46 and she is a teacher. I go to school and I play basketball. My brothers also play basketball. Tomorrow is my birthday. We are having a great party.

Bob lives in a small flat in London. In the mornings, he wakes up and has a shower.  Then he makes breakfast. He usually has a typical English breakfast with eggs and bacon. After that, he goes to work.

presente simple

He works in an office in the center of London. He sits in front of the computer all day and writes emails. He doesn’t like his job very much, but he likes earning money. At 12 o’clock he goes to lunch and has a sandwich. After lunch, he comes back to work and writes more emails. At 5 o’clock he leaves work.

I'm walking to the station and I see a man sitting on a bench and cutting a piece of wood with some kind of knife. I ask him: What are you doing? And he answer is: i'm cutting a toy for the next kid sitting in this bench? Then I ask him again: Why are you doing that? And he stops cutteng, looks me straight in the eyes and says: Kids nowadays are not playing in the parks anymore, they are all the time just sitting in front of the tv and playing viedeogames. I'm cutting this toy, so that the next kid who founds it, just can play with it for a while. I'm coming everyday to thos park, and i'm wondering why kids are not playing anymore on the sand.

presente continuo

I'm walking to the station and I see a man sitting on a bench and cutting a piece of wood with some kind of knife. I ask him: What are you doing? And he answer is: i'm cutting a toy for the next kid sitting in this bench? Then I ask him again: Why are you doing that? And he stops cutteng, looks me straight in the eyes and says: Kids nowadays are not playing in the parks anymore, they are all the time just sitting in front of the tv and playing viedeogames. I'm cutting this toy, so that the next kid who founds it, just can play with it for a while. I'm coming everyday to thos park, and i'm wondering why kids are not playing anymore on the sand.


es mucho mas facil hacer este tipo de textos al ver la estructura de la oracion de cada tema

Respuesta dada por: shonyuzambrano




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