According to the text,A. people are forced to leave their native countries.B. major cities of the world have received many visitors.C. people have immigrated to other countries due to overpopulation.D. living in a new place implies many changes for immigrants.

#Saber 11



Respuesta dada por: megatokay

According to the text, major cities of the world have received many visitors. Then de option B is the correct answer.


The text above (option B) is very specific,  and is a textually quote. Nevertheless, the another options are implicit in the text, and are paraphrased references. For instance, living in a new place implies many changes for immigrants, make reference to the last part of the text: Adapting to a new places forces people to seek out new friends.

Finally, the option A and C, seems not to reference any extract from the text.  

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