Alguien me puede ayudar con mi tarea de ingles es para el lunes, es para salvar el semestre porfavor :3

True or False
1.- False
- Last summer, Matthew and Fiona went on holiday to Spain
2.- False
- They stayed in a small cottage
3.- False
- He went for a long walk
4.- False
- He found a dog
5.- True
6.- False
- The dog followed Matthew home
7.- True
8.- False
- The dog ate the food very quickly
9.- False
- The dog sat down their front door
10.- False
- At 10 pm, it was cold
11.- True
12.- True
13.- False
- Hilda stayed in the cottage with them
14.- False
- Fiona took Hilda to a dog rescue centre
15.- False
- They had no place for Hilda
16.- False
- They transported Hilda to England
17.- False
- They paid a fee of £500
18.- True
19.- True
20.- True
Existen diversas formas de verificar la comprensión lectora en el idioma inglés, uno de los métodos es mediante la lectura y posterior solución al verdadero o falso de algunas oraciones.
¿Cómo evaluar la comprensión lectora?
Uno de los métodos más utilizados es mediante la completación de oraciones o el uso del verdadero o falso, como es el siguiente caso:
Two years ago, Matthew and Fiona went on holiday to Greece.
- False,J5
They stayed in a big hotel.
- False
One day, Matthew went for a walk.
- True
On his walk, Matthew found a mountain goat.
- False
The stray dog wagged its tail.
- True
The dog went back to its owners.
- False
Fiona liked the dog and she gave it something to eat.
- True
The dog didn't eat the food.
- False
It sat outside their front door.
- True
At 9:30, it started raining and so Fiona let the dog indoors.
- False
When the dog came indoors, it sat beside Fiora on the sofa.
- True
They called the dog Hilda.
- True
Hilda stayed outside in the garden.
- False
Matthew and Fiona took Hilda to a dog rescue center.
- True
The rescue center had a place for Hilda.
- False
They transported Hilda to Spain.
- False
Matthew and Fiona paid a fee of €200.
- False
Now, Hilda lives with Matthew and Fiona.
- True
They treat the dog very well.
- True
They love their dog.
- True
Si quieres conocer más sobre la comprensión lectora, puedes ver más aquí: