• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ebillie417
  • hace 8 años

Corregir los errores, 5 por oración
1) lihgts was not workin properly in the pass

2) the child were not birth until decenber

3) the sumer not finish until marched 21st year

4) it not was rainin in the roof nihgt last

5) your friens not were on the bath last christmas​


Respuesta dada por: soypollito3333


1) lights was not working properly in the class  (podria ser class)

2) the child was not birth until december

3) the summer didnt finish until march 21st of this year

4) it wasnt (puede ser "was" tambien) raining on the roof last  night

5) your friends werent (como en la anterior, tambien puede ser "were") on the bath last christmas​

Ponme como la mejor respuesta poor favor :)

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