This gentleman cannot take care of my daughter, i should take away the
custody , he is almost never at home, always leaves her alone, from a small girl it was his turn to try to cook, to do her tasks alone, without anyone who supported her, I demand that give me the
custody to my will be the best for the girl; If the girl goes on like this can't have a good future, I commit to helping her, supporting her, loving her like she's supposed to be a mother.
TRADDUCCION: Este señor no puede cuidar a mi hija, debería quitarle la custodia, casi nunca esta en casa, siempre la deja sola, desde pequeña le tocaba intentar de cocinar, hacer sus tareas sola, sin nadie que la apoyé, exijo que deme la custodia a mi sera lo mejor para la niña; si la niña sigue así no puede tener buen futuro, yo me comprometo en ayudarla, apoyarla, quererla como se supone que debe ser una madre.