Instrucción: Escoge de las cuatro opciones el verbo que complete correctamente la oración, (la traducción del verbo está en español)
1.-I’m going to (dejar) drinking beer. I’m so fat that I can’t see my feet anymore! Taken up
Hurry up
Give up
Puts up with
2.-Rafa’s (empezar, dedicarse) photography. He’s just bought one of the latest and most expensive digital cameras.
Taken up
Hurry up
Give up
Puts up with
3.- I don’t know how my wife (aguantar, soportar) me. I drink too much, I’m a bad husband and a I'm terrible person to live with.
Taken up
Hurry up
Give up
Puts up with
4.-If you don’t (darseprisa), we’ll miss the train!
Taken up
Hurry up
Give up
Puts up with
5.-I’ve live in Madrid now, but I (crecer) in a small village in Argentina.
Wash up
Keep up with
Wake up
Grew up
6.-Leave the dirty dishes until tomorrow. I’ll (fregar) in the morning.
Wash up
Keep up with
Wake up
Grew up
7.- My parents find it very difficult to (mantenerse al día, estar al tanto de) technology. The world is changing too fast for them.
Wash up
Keep up with
Wake up
Grew up
8.- I’m going to bed early tonight. Tomorrow I have to (despertarse) at 6.30.
Wash up
Keep up with
Wake up
Grew up
9.-Please can you the TV (apagar)?
I'm trying to study and it's really annoying me
Looking forward to
Take off
Turn off/switch off
Try on
10.- I’m (tenerganas de) going on holiday next month. I really need a rest.
Looking forward to
Take off
Turn off/switch off
Try on
11.- Can I (probarse) this dress, please? I'm a size 10.
Looking forward to
Take off
Turn off/switch off
Try on
12.- Excuse me. What time does the plane to Madrid (despegar)?
Looking forward to
Take off
Turn off/switch off
Try on
1.-I’m going to give up drinking beer. I’m so fat that I can’t see my feet anymore!
2.-Rafa’s taken up with photography. He’s just bought one of the latest and most expensive digital cameras.
3.- I don’t know how my wife puts up with me. I drink too much, I’m a bad husband and a I'm terrible person to live with.
4.-If you don’t hurry up, we’ll miss the train!
5.-I’ve live in Madrid now, but I grew up in a small village in Argentina.
6.-Leave the dirty dishes until tomorrow. I’ll wash up in the morning.
7.- My parents find it very difficult to keep up with technology. The world is changing too fast for them.
8.- I’m going to bed early tonight. Tomorrow I have to wake up at 6.30.
9.-Please can you turn off/switch off the TV? I'm trying to study and it's really annoying me
10.- I’m looking forward to going on holiday next month. I really need a rest.
11.- Can I try on this dress, please? I'm a size 10.
12.- Excuse me. What time does the plane to Madrid take off?