Cold, the coldest
Big, the biggest
Small, the smallest
Short, the shortest
Fast, the fastest
Young, the youngest
Soon, the soonest
Long, the longest
Tall, the tallest
Fat, the fattest (
Narrow, the narrowest (
Smart, the smartest
New, the newest
Clever, the cleverest
Gentle, the gentlest
Easy, the easiest
Crazy, the craziest
Ugly, the ugliest
She is the smartest person I know.
Today is the coldest day I can remenber.
China is the biggest country I have visited.
She is the youngest in her family.
He is the oldest man I kno
I am the tallest in the class. (
I am the happiest man in the world.
He is the fastest runner I have ever seen.
This is the narrowest road I have ever seen.
She is living in the smallest house in townmás pequeña de la ciudad)
Difficult, the most difficult
Beautiful, the most beautiful
Expensive, the most expensive
Elegant, the most elegant
Interesting, the most interesting
Modern, the most modern
Valuable, the most valuable
Dangerous, the most dangerous
Attractive, the most attractive
Satisfactory, the most satisfactory
Ambitious, the most ambitious
Important, the most important
Intelligent, the most intelligent
Quickly, the most quickly
Carefully, the most carefully
Love is the most valuable feeling.
This car is the most expensive he has bought.
I read the most important newspaper every morning.
She is the most ambitious person in the team.
i am the most intelligent student in the classroom.
She is the most elegant person I have ever seen.
Good, the best
Bad, the worst
Well, the best
Badly, the worst
Little, the least,
His idea is the best I have listened.
This contract is the worst I have ever seen.
He is the best team swimmer.
She is the worst driver I know.
Bill Gates is THE RICHEST man in the world
Fernando is THE TALLEST student in the school Acer has THE MOST EXPENSIVE prices in computer equipmet
Orlando Bloom is THE MOST HANDSOME actor in Hollywood
Jennifer Aniston is THE PRETTIEST wife Brad Pitt has had
Oxford Press has THE BEST books
Diana is THE FUNNIEST girl in the class
The nile river is THE LONGEST river in the world
I am THE MOST BEAUTIFUL girl of all
America is THE WORST soccer team in Mexico
He is the strongest man on the world.
She is the smartest sicientific on the world.
We are the closest friends on the planet.
This is the heaviest bike on the country
This is the coldest city.
They are the most important people.
I am the clevest kid. /
You are my best friend. /
This is the worst job I've ever had. /
She is the most beautiful woman
Williams Molina is the ugliest person in earth.
Jorge is smart, and John is smarter, but Ronnie is the smartest.
Aerith is hot, and Cissnei is hotter, but Tifa is the hottest.
Gmail is the best email provider.
Francis Coppola is a good director, and George Lucas is better, but Steven Spielberg is the best.
Steven Spielberg is the best director in the world.
My house is the largest one in our neighborhood
This is the smallest box I've ever seen.
Your dog was the fastest of the race.
John is the tallest of his brothers.
That car is the biggest of the parking lot.
The most creative project will win the contest.
This is the most expensive house of the neighborhood.
Today is the worst day I've had in a long time.
You play tennis better than I do.
This is the least expensive sweater in the store.
I ran pretty far yesterday, but I ran even farther today.
Bob is the tallest student in the class.
Cold The Coldest
Wet the Wettest
Nice The Nicest
Heavy the Heaviest
No son 100 pero ojala te sirvan
Adjetivo Comparativo Superlativo
Cheap (barato) cheaper the cheapest
Clean (Limpio) cleaner the cleanest
Cold (frío) colder the coldest
Dark (oscuro) darker the darkest
Deep (profundo) deeper the deepest
Fast (rápido) faster the fastest
Hard (duro) harder the hardest
High (alto) higher the highest
Light (ligero) lighter the lightest
Long (largo) longer the longest
Near (cerca) nearer the nearest
New (nuevo) newer the newest
Old (viejo) older the oldest
Rich (rico) richer the richest
Safe (seguro) safer the safest
Short (corto) shorter the shortest
Slow (lento) slower the slowest
Small (pequeño) smaller the smallest
Sweet (dulce) sweeter the sweetest
Tall (alto) taller the tallest
Warm (cálido) warmer the warmest
Weak (débil) weaker the weakest