1. do you know any other sport championschip or tournament?
2. which is your faorite sport?why do you like it?
3. is there any sport you dislike?
4. which sport is the easiest to practice in your city?
1. Yes, the one I know is the olimpics
2. My favorite sport is the volleyball
3. Yes the basketball
4. The easiest one is the football.
es la traduccion de un monton de cosas espero que te sirva
En este ejercicio vamos a proceder a responder las preguntas que están relacionadas con los deportes.
Do you know any other sport championship or tournament?
Of course, there are the tennis, karate and ice skating championships.
Which is your favorite sport?
My favorite sport is soccer, because it is a sport with a ball where 11 people face 11 others and where teamwork predominates.
Is there any sport you dislike?
Not really, I just find Formula 1 boring. Because from my point of view you only see a lot of cars competing to see who arrives first
Which sport is the easiest to practice in your city?
Soccer, this is because there are many soccer academies in my city, as well as many fields where you can practice.
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