1)The carpenter are building a bird house.
2)A mechanic are repairing the car.
3)The butcher was preparate a pig for the consume.
4)This sword was forged for a special blacksmith.
5)My door was repaired for a good locksmith.
6)The fruiterer was got this strawberrys.
7)"Monalisa" was painted for the painter Leonardo Da vinci.
8)This ships are the flock of a sheperd.
9)A elegant restaurant have elegant waiters.
10)The saster make this pants.
1 Accountant Contable
2 Actor Actor
3 Actress Actriz
4 Archaeologist Arqueólogo.
5 Architect Arquitecto.
6 Astrologer Astrólogo
7 Astronaut Astronauta
8 Athlete Atleta
9 Baker Panadero
10 Biologist Biólogo/a
11 Bricklayer Albañil.
12 Businessman Empresario, hombre de negocios.
13 Businesswoman Empresaria, mujer de negocios.
14 Butcher Carnicero/a.
15 Caretaker Portero, conserje.
16 Carpenter Carpintero/a.
17 Cashier Cajero/a.
18 Cleaner Limpiador, mujer de la limpieza.
19 Clown Payaso.
20 Coach Entrenador
21 Cobbler Zapatero
22 Consultant Consultor
23 Cook Cocinero
24 Counselor Asesor, consultor
25 Chef Cocinero (profesional)
26 Chemist Químico, farmaceútico.
27 Comedian Humorista.
28 Dancer Bailarín.
29 Decorator Decorador.
30 Dentist Dentista
31 Director Director
32 Designer Diseñador
33 Doctor Médico/a
34 Dressmaker Modista
35 Driver Conductor
36 Dustman Basurero
37 Economist Economista
38 Electrician Electricista
39 Engineer Ingeniero
40 Farmer Granjero, agricultor.
41 Fireman Bombero
42 Fisherman Pescador.
43 Florist Florista.
44 Fruiterer Frutero.
45 Gardener Jardinero/a.
46 Hairdresser Peluquero/a.
47 Housewife Ama de casa.
48 Hunter Cazador.
49 Jeweller Joyero/a.
50 Journalist Periodista
51 Judge Juez
52 Lawyer Abogado/a.
53 Librarian Bibliotecario/a.
54 Lifeguard Socorrista.
55 Magician Mago
56 Mailman Cartero (USA).
57 Mechanic Mecánico/a.
58 Meteorologist Meteorólogo.
59 Miner Minero/a.
60 Model Modelo.
61 Monk Monje.
62 Musician Músico/a.
63 Nanny Niñera.
64 Nun Monja.
65 Nurse Enfermero/a.
66 Nursemaid Niñera.
67 Painter Pintor.
68 Pharmacist Farmacéutico.
69 Photographer Fotógrafo.
70 Philosopher Filósofo
71 Physicist Físico.
72 Pilot Piloto
73 Plumber Fontanero.
74 Policeman Policía.
75 Politician Político.
76 Porter Conserje
77 Postman Cartero
78 President Presidente
79 Priest Cura
80 Professor Profesor de Universidad
81 Programmer Programador
82 Psychiatrist Psiquiatra
83 Psychologist Psicólogo/a
84 Receptionist Recepcionista
85 Researcher Investigador
86 Sailor Marinero
87 Salesman Vendedor
88 Scientist Científico
89 Secretary Secretario
90 Shoemaker Zapatero
91 Singer Cantante
92 Sportsman Deportista
93 Stewardess Azafata
94 Surgeon Cirujano
95 Teacher Profesor/a
96 Vet Veterinario
97 Veterinarian Veterinario (en USA)
98 Waiter. Camarero de bar
99 Waitress Camarero de restaurante
100 Writer Escritor